## version $VER: XX.catalog XX.XX (XX.XX.XX) ## codeset X ## language X MSG_ST_WEEK ; This week's Aminet uploads MSG_ST_MOST ; The most downloaded files from Aminet during the week MSG_ST_RATED ; The highest rated programs during the week MSG_ST_ADD ; Adding files... please be patient MSG_ST_ADDALL ; Adding all files... please be patient MSG_ST_REM ; Removing files... please be patient MSG_ST_REMALL ; Removing all files... please be patient MSG_ST_MFTPE ; Making Ftp-email... MSG_ST_DFTPE ; Ftp-email created, ready to serve you... MSG_ST_MAFTP ; Making AmFtp batch file... MSG_ST_DAMFTP ; AmFtp batch file created, ready to serve you... MSG_ST_MWGET ; Making WGet script... MSG_ST_DWGET ; WGet script created, ready to serve you... MSG_ST_MHTML ; Making Html file... MSG_DHTML ; Html file created, ready to serve you... MSG_ST_WAIT ; Waiting for configuration... MSG_ST_AUTO ; Autocelebration time... MSG_ST_READY ; Ready to serve you... MSG_ST_BUILD ; Building file list... please be patient MSG_ERR_IO ; I/O Error accessing file !!! MSG_ERR_YAM ; Please start Yam v2.0 first MSG_ERR_NOR ; This is not a recent email MSG_ERR_LIB ; Failed to open MSG_BUT_SORRY ; Oh sorry MSG_HTML_SEND ; Send comments and whatever you want to: MSG_HTML_ABOUT ; Created with YamExpansion v2.0 by MSG_MN_PROJ ; Project MSG_MN_DELWGET ; Delete AmFtp Batch MSG_MN_DELAMFTP ; Delete WGet Script MSG_MN_HELP ; Help MSG_MN_AB ; About... MSG_MN_ABMUI ; About MUI... MSG_MN_QUIT ; Quit MSG_APPAB ; Handles aminet mailinglist emails with YAM 2.0. MSG_GTYPE ; Type: MSG_GDATE ; Date: MSG_GLOT ; List of Files in the email MSG_GBW ; Weekly Uploads MSG_GBD ; Most Downloaded MSG_GBC ; Aminet Chart MSG_GBA ; Add File(s) MSG_GBALL ; Add All Files MSG_GTOTF ; Total Files in list: MSG_GTOTS ; Total Size (Bytes): MSG_GLDT ; List of Selected Files MSG_GBREM ; Remove File(s) MSG_GBREMALL ; Remove All Files MSG_GSF ; Files: MSG_GSS ; Size (Bytes): MSG_GST ; Time: MSG_GBFTPE ; Make FtpMail MSG_GBAMFTP ; Make AmFtp Batch MSG_GBWGET ; Make WGet Script MSG_GBHTML ; Make Html MSG_GBMESS ; Message of the day/week MSG_GBCONF ; Settings MSG_ERRAPP ; Failed to create Application. MSG_WTITLE ; YamExpansion Preferences MSG_CWHTML ; HTML File MSG_CWHAU ; Aminet Url: MSG_CWHSAVE ; Save htmls in drawer: MSG_CWHASL ; Please select html files drawer... MSG_CWHFANCY ; fancy tables MSG_CWAMDIR ; Aminet Dir: MSG_CWAFT ; AmFtp Batch File MSG_CWAFB ; Batch file name: MSG_CWAFASL ; Please select AmFtp batch file... MSG_CWDOWN ; download .readme MSG_CWAPPB ; append to existing batch file MSG_CWWGT ; WGet Script MSG_CWSCR ; Script file name: MSG_CWWGETASL ; Please select WGet script file name... MSG_CWFTPEF ; Ftp-Email server address: MSG_CWMISC ; Misc Settings MSG_CWAVE ; Average Modem Speed (cps): MSG_CWUSE ; Use MSG_CWSAVE ; Save MSG_CWCANCEL ; Cancel MSG_ERRCW ; I cannot open settings window ! MSG_AWTIT ; About YamExpansion MSG_ABWOA ; _Woa, very interesting... ronf ronf... MSG_ERRAB ; I cannot open about window ! MSG_BBT1 ; Show the Weekly Uploads file list. MSG_BBT2 ; Show the Most Downloaded file list. MSG_BBT3 ; Show the Aminet Chart list. MSG_BLV1 ; This list shows all the files in the email.\n\nYou can double click on entries to add files,\nyou can multiselect files\n and you can drag&drop files to sort them as you want. MSG_BBTADD ; Add single or selected files to the list below. MSG_BBTADDALL ; Add all files to the list below. MSG_BLV2 ; This list shows all the files selected.\n\nYou can double click on entries to remove them,\nyou can multiselect files\n and you can drag&drop files to sort them as you want. MSG_BBTREM ; Remove single or selected files from this list. MSG_BBTREMALL ; Clear this list. MSG_BBT4 ; Make the ftpmail with the selected files. MSG_BBT5 ; Make the file batch to use with AmFtp. MSG_BPB_AMFTP ; Edit the file batch with your default editor. MSG_BBT6 ; Make the script to use with WGet. MSG_BPB_WGET ; Edit the script file with your default editor. MSG_BBT7 ; Make the Html file with the selected files. MSG_BFLOATER ; Here you can read the message of the day/week. MSG_BBTCONFIG ; Change the settings of YamExpansion. MSG_BPOPS_URLHFTP ; The complete aminet url in browser format and including\nthe remote aminet dir.\n\nEx: ftp://ftp.unina.it/pub/aminet/ MSG_BCM_FANCYHTML ; In html file select from fancy tables or very simple tables. MSG_BPOPD_DIRHTMl ; Select in wich directory save the html files. MSG_BPOPF_NOMEFTP ; Select the file name for the AmFtp batch file. MSG_BST_AMINETFDIR ; Remote Aminet directory\n\nEx: /pub/aminet/ MSG_BCM_READMEFTP ; If you select this, then you'll download also the .readme file MSG_BCM_APPENDAMFTP ; If you select this, then the new entries will be\nappended to the existing file. MSG_BPOPF_NOMEWGET ; Select the file name fot the WGet script. MSG_BPOPS_FTPE ; Select the email of the Ftp-Email server\n MSG_BPOPS_FTPEFTPURL ; The Aminet url in normal format.\n\nEx: ftp.unina.it MSG_BSST_AVERAGE ; Enter the average modem speed to\nuse in the download time calculation MSG_BBT_PREFS_USE ; Use this settings. MSG_BBT_PREFS_SAVE ; Save this settings. MSG_BBT_PREFS_CANCEL ; Don't change previous settings MSG_CWSEND ; Send to browser MSG_CWSSEL ; send html file to browser MSG_CWSSHOW ; show/uniconify browser MSG_CWSFRONT ; bring browser to front MSG_CWSOPEN ; open file in new window MSG_CWSLOAD ; launch browser when not running MSG_CREQ ; always open requester MSG_CWSETREAD ; set recent as read while quitting MSG_CWQUIT ; quit after you press one of the 4 make buttons MSG_BURLUSE ; send created html page to browser using openurl.library\n(use openurl.library preference program to set your preferred browser) MSG_BURLSHOW ; show/uniconify browser if iconified MSG_BURLFRONT ; bring browser window to front MSG_BURLNEW ; open file in new window if none is free MSG_BURLOAD ; launch browser when not running\n(see openurl.library settings for this) MSG_BWGREQ ; always open a requester when you press Make Wget Script MSG_BFTPREQ ; always open a requester when you press Make AmFtp Batch MSG_RCONF ; Your config file is old !!! Please take a moment to check it and enter new settings. MSG_RBUTT ; Ok ok, stay calm MSG_ST_DAY ; Today's Aminet uploads MSG_ST_SEARCH ; Searching for recent email... please wait MSG_TI_ERR ; Error Message MSG_BBTPRE ; read previous recent MSG_BBTNEX ; read next recent MSG_BBTREA ; read selected recent MSG_CY_DEF ; default MSG_CWATSIZE ; Attachments size: MSG_CWATAS ; Attach file as MSG_CWXPK ; recents are in XPK-Packed folders MSG_CWMOVE ; move origin list items MSG_BATSIZE ; select size settings for the attachments MSG_BKM ; Kilobytes or Megabytes MSG_BSNUM ; here you can enter a numeric size MSG_BENC ; choose how files will be attached to the email MSG_BXPK ; set this option if you have recent emails in XPK-Packed folders MSG_BMOVE ; set this option if you want to move origin\nlist items as you add them to destination list MSG_CWAPPS ; append to script/list if exists MSG_CWLISTA ; build script and file list MSG_CWNLISTA ; Name of file list: MSG_CWNLISTAT ; Please select the name for the file list MSG_CFROMMO ; Recent sender: MSG_BLISTA ; here you can choose if you want to create a file list\nand call it from a script (it's the\nwget -c -i style MSG_BNLISTA ; here you can insert the name for the file list MSG_BFROMMO ; here you can insert the name of the recent emails sender